Friday, September 4, 2009

friday again?

is it friday again? oh my. where has the week gone? it has been a good week here. school was great. girls were great. went and helped with my daughter's teachers today. they enjoyed that. not too busy of a weekend planned. funny how having children teaches one to slow down a little. had plans to go to a friend's house this evening. she was going to walk me through the process of clipping, printing, and stacking coupons. then my 5 year old all of a sudden got sick! out of no where, sore throat and fever. i rocked her and she was out in 5 minutes flat. poor baby. that is what i hate about kindergarten. at least she has a 3 day weekend to mend.
i tried my hand at sewing last weekend. didn't get far. all i can do is laugh. i have all these ideas, but no idea how to use this great magnificent tool. sigh, i know. i need to stop being afraid of it. maybe i will try again tomorrow. we'll see. if anyone has any experience, and any ideas as to what could be a good starting project, let me know.


  1. Have you looked at Oliver + S blog??? She has a free "lazy day" skirt pattern on the right sidebar that I think would be a good starting project. She also offers tutorials on some of the steps in the right sidebar. Check it out and see if it looks doable.

  2. thank you! i have looked at that site. i will have to go back and look for that pattern.
